Well, first of all let me deliver some good news: I am finally a member at St. Luke's. SWEET TEA! YAY! (inside joke, so read it in an inside voice). I guess Jennifer and I should set an appointment with the priest and get this show on the road.
So I want to introduce 2 members of the Wedding Party many of you may no know: Wesley and Derek. These are 2 of my 4 (possibly 6, but I need to talk to the other 2 guys to see if they are up for it) groomsmen.
Derek Zink. That's with a K not a C. He is not an element.

See. No Resemblance. Okay maybe Derek is a little flaky (just kidding).
ANYWHO, Derek is a Seminole County fire fighter/paramedic (if you couldn't tell from the photo). He enjoys AC/DC, pina coladas, long walks on the beach, and the Tuba. His atomic number is 30.
I have known Derek since freshman year of high school. Met at band camp where he was wearing a shirt that was a size too small, was black (in the FL sun) and said "The Human Resistance" on it (from Terminator). Been friends ever since. If I didn't have Wesley, this guy would be my best man.
He is just an awesome fun guy who I have always gotten along with and will continue to do so for years to come. Peace bro!
Next is this guy: Wesley Valdyke.
Parents, if there are small children in the room you may want to have them avert there eyes because this next photo is surely graphic content.

I have known Wesley since August 21st 1991 as far as the United States Government is concerned. I would tell you more about that, but then I'd have to kill you.
Anyways, he is my number one man and best friend. If for some reason he couldn't make it to the wedding, I'd postpone it. Wesley is a senior at WSHS (go bears) and plans on attending USF as a physics major, and will be doing NROTC (he wants to fly F-35s). So I guess he turned out alright.
He is an eagle scout like his big bro, dad and Poppy. He too drives a Jeep, plays Warhammer, and likes metal/rock. Basically trying to copy my style ;) Well, I give into two facts: he is a better dresser and more of a ladies man. The latter most likely has something to do with the former.
And his smile

Okay actually the second one is
My room mate Joel said he is the coolest little brother he knows and rates around 50 Mega-Fonzies on the coolness scale. I'd have to agree.
So there you go. Those are the 2 guys in the party from my side of things (other than myself). I hope you found this informative and entertaining.
Just FYI I was making allot of jokes, not being cruel.
Except about Wesley's picture. That's serious business. Your charitable donations to the "Buy Grendel A New Face" fund are tax deductible and will go to fixing the elephantitus that surely must be affecting his face.