Sunday, April 21, 2013

The movers are coming, the movers are coming!

One if by land... they aren't coming by sea, so it will just be one by land. As well, for some reason, Paul Revere's ride seems more heroic than if I did it.

Probably because the movers aren't Redcoats.

Anyway today was spent (and is ongoing) getting ready for the movers to come TOMORROW. A lot of last minute packing and cleaning. Fortunately we have Japanese movers who I imagine are extremely efficient at packing.

Tomorrow is going to be crappy and hectic I imagine. Jennifer will likely be like this (graphic) and I will likely be like this (not so graphic).

I probably shouldn't even blogging right now, and should be actively cleaning/packing, but I am a world renowned expert on procrastination.
I guess I kinda found a picture for it now... oops
While tomorrow is going to stink, unpacking on the other end is always just as bad. Houses end up exploding.

Well I am going to keep this short and to the point. Likely when Jennifer learns I wasted time doing this, I can be found in a position such as the ostrich.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Holy Crap, we still have this thing!

This is still here? Well, might as well post, who knows, maybe this will one day be the last written record of man's existence. In which case, may as well give those alien archaeologists a better image of man:
The Nuge shall live forever.
So my last post was Oct 2011. And I think that the last post on here was Mar 2012. We really haven't been trying. We should have at least done one 12:01 AM December 22st, 2012 to announce we had survived the apocalypse just fine over here in Japan for all you statesiders (way to go on that one Mayans).

FYI Next apocalypse is scheduled for 2016
ANYWHO speaking of statesiders, Jennifer and I will once again be amongst... well usually this sentence ends with "The Living", but in this case I am referring to continental Americans. Although maybe that is the living since the average Asian looks like this:
By the end of April I will back in the... well usually that sentence ends with USSR, but in this case I am referring to the USA. We will be coming back plus one: Gabriel Constantine Valdyke (named thus so that it makes sense that he has a life long ambition of conquering nations or leading empires). In the meantime I just need to make sure we get him a seat on the airplane I guess. I believe out flight back will be like this. Or maybe we will travel by line like Indiana Jones.

I am going to miss Japan. Jennifer is going to be more like this. Never again will I ride Godzilla or go whaling. I will miss the vending machines, clown cars and convenient stores. I am now a big proponent of NOT TIPPING. And everywhere I go I am surrounded by beautiful mountains and can likely find an awesome ocean view or a hidden temple.

For those of you don't, we are going to be in Mayport, Florida. I am going to be the Damage Control Assistant onboard the USS Gettysburg (CG 64). I imagine this is my next CO and XO:
The reason they will be Confederates is because we are stationed in the South.
Well, hopefully I update this a little more regularly in the future. If you really just want to read a blog by me, check out this one. It is updated much more often. Yeah, so I am self promoting, and probably in a bleh place to do it, but any publicity is good publicity right? Let me just ask my panel of experts: Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson...