Monday, October 3, 2011

My Printer!

It's Monday. And that means it's time for another episode of what I'm missing in America. This week's feature is my printer.

Yes, my printer. There are many like it, but that one was mine. I've had it since I was a freshman at GT. I miss it. It brought me many saves as I forgot something at the last minute and needed it before class. I was able to print reports in my room and run to class to turn it in before I was too late and the professor thought I was doing just what I had been doing: waiting to the last minute to perfect my once-looked-at paper with grammar mistakes and confusing syntax.

I was also able to scan pictures and documents, just like most other all-in-one printers these days. But this one has a special place in my heart. It could be because I don't like spending money. It could be because I was very familiar with it's functions and how it worked, including its temperament. I could just go to the NEX and buy a new one, but it just won't be the same... It will be shiny, new, and fingerprintless. It will have all the functionality of my last one, but with more features like wireless printing. It will be here in my house and not in some storage unit in Atlanta waiting on my paperwork to be completed so that it may join us in Sasebo. It would allow me to print off pictures and other sorts of decor for our bare-walled home.

One day printer of mine, we shall be reunited. Until then, brush the dust off your shoulders and know that I still want you.

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